Taxation Services

Our taxation services are focused on finding opportunities and leveraging them to the advantage of clients in the form of significant tax savings. It helps reduce clients’ bottom-line expenses through tailored, innovative methodologies. The practice provides advisory services in the areas of direct, indirect and personal taxes by utilizing the edicts of the Income tax act in a lawful manner.
Our services include the following:
- Completion and submission of Income Tax returns.
- Calculation of tax liability.
- Calculation and submission of Provisional tax.
- Application for extension for submission of Income Tax Returns.
- Tax Clearance Certificates for Tenders and Foreign Investment.
- Tax Directives.
- Salary Structuring.
- Income Tax Registration.
- VAT registration.
- Exemption certificate for Employee Tax.
- Application for exemption from Income Tax.
- Checking Income Tax assessments.
- Arranging deferred payments.
- Advising on legislation and various forms of tax.