Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

We have recognised that public sector procurement could be used by government as a mechanism to also achieve certain broader policy objectives such as black economic empowerment, local economic development spin-offs for small and medium sized business, skills transfer and job creation. To achieve this, institutional and economic reform was necessary within two broad themes, namely, to establish principles of good governance in the area of supply chain management and to introduce a preference system to achieve certain socio-economic policy objectives. We live in an increasingly competitive economic environment, and where changing legislation, and pressures to deliver services more rapidly and within the standards of accountability and transparency, whilst attempting to implement the right procurement system is never an easy task.


We at Strategic Audit Techniques Incorporated have come to understand this enduring pressure, and have

developed a comprehensive solution which encompasses:


  • Training and capacity building of staff, management and bid committees.
  • Provision of resources to manage the SCM process.
  • Development or review of the SCM policy and procedure manual.


In addition, we have software that is simple, but comprehensive to manage your entire SCM processes, namely:

 Database Registration (Web-base).

 The competitive bidding process from advertisement to adjudication.

 Performance management, through the project-based management system